Friday 10 May 2013

Signs of Winter

Signs of Winter
8"x6" Oil on board
This scene is part of the Estuary close to where I live. If you follow my blog you will know this is a favorite place of mine to paint! There are so many different views and I pretty much love them all! I have been wanting to share my painting process, but always forget to take the photos of each step. Leslie Saeta set us this task in the 30 day marketing  here it is!!

My Painting Process
1. I  begin  my paintings by blocking in shapes to establish my composition...keeping it simple, no details, just shapes and values to see where my darks and lights will be.

2.  I then lay in areas of color to each of the value planes paying attention to the temperature relationships between the planes. Next I start using intermediate values, making sure the shifts are subtle. Once they are all working I can add details and highlights to the tree and grass in the foreground.
A good book to help you approach this is  Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting by John Carlson.


  1. Another great estuary landscape, Karen.
    And thanks for the peek into your process!

  2. Great to read about the process! I really like how the eye is lead passed the tree taking you further into the background . Always love to see your Estuary paintings!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and comments, I love reading them...they keep me inspired!